Monday, 2 February 2009

The white stuff

I was in a bit of a tizz this morn. I wanted to go to Uni because for once in my life I actually read the work in prep for the class. BUT, snow is on the way, admittedly, not so bad that I couldn't set out but my parents were worried I would never get back. So I stayed home.
At least I have a chance to do some more homework.

I did the typical thing again yesterday - I made a list of just five things to do. And they still didn't all get done. So I'm not making a list today to save myself the dissaponitment and mental anguish. Playing it by ear.

I got that story done in the end and sent it off to Honno - but I don't think anything will come of it, I rushed it and I didn't think it thorugh enough. Never mind, at least I had a go. Hopefully I'll realise in plenty of time when the next call for submissions comes around.

anyway - I'm going to go and finish reading Dronfield's Alchemist's Apprentice so I can start the sodding review of it.

Happy snow day!


  1. Lists are a form of self imposed torture, and I make them all the time!! Did you get snowed in in the end?

  2. There could be some interesting writing from 'To Do' lists. Hmmm.

  3. Hmmm. I vaguely remember writing a poem when I was younger - it was a list of all the job titles that you could apply to a mother. It included Managing director, Hostidge Negociator and Therapist. lol

    And I did get snowed in and apparently it was worse near the Uni - so I'm glad I didn't go. :)
